
Showing posts from September, 2015

2015/09/16 沙登佛教会新会所开幕暨供僧法会 Opening ceremony of the Serdang Buddhist Association new building cum Sanghika Dana

2015/09/16 沙登佛教会新会所开幕暨供僧法会 Opening ceremony of the Serdang Buddhist Association new building cum Sanghika Dana a) 会所开幕 Opening ceremony 出席开幕嘉宾 VIP attending the opening ceremony b) 供僧法会 Sanghika Dana in conjunction with the opening ceremony 本会邀请约100位南北传佛教出家人出席供僧法会。Our centre invited around 100 buddhist monks and nuns to our new centre to accept the Sanghika Dana. c) 本会佛友大力扶持 - 老中青都有,好热闹呀,好法喜! Many devotees came forward to support and help out in this great event. There are elders, adult and youth....hooray, it is so good to be present in this event. Sadhu!

2015/09/13 Sunday school in progress 学佛班进行中

2015/09/13 Sunday school in progress 学佛班进行中 a) 小学组 primary school group 老师在为小朋友讲。。。teacher is delivering a point... another group with teachers sharing stories 老师在和小朋友分享故事。。。 Learn by coloring....小朋友通过绘画学习。。。 b) 青少年组 Teenagers group 青少年在分享 Teenagers are sharing their learning... 青少年玩团康teenagers interaction through games c) 父母成长班 Parents upliftment class 小朋友在学习,父母也在加油 while children attending their classes, parents also get to improve their experience and skills through sharing...