沙登佛教会婚姻注册手续三步骤SBAS 3 steps marriage registration service
1. 最靠近本会的国民登记局在Taman Sri Serdang或者是Putrajaya。
2. 男女双方必须一起前往完成, 宣誓及审核。
3. Serdang Perdana 有位宣誓官,Julian Khor 012-233 8894 。
Bandar Putra Permai也有位宣誓官,Pn Marina bt Kamarudin (Khairul Sofian Anuar & Co, A-2, Jln Atmosphere 2, Bandar Putra Permai, 43300 Seri Kembangan, tel 03 8940 4456 / 019 2100736)。
4. 如果申请者的岁数已达40岁或以上,他/她必须宣誓Surat Akuan。
1) 陈师兄 012 – 319 2655或哇十 https://wa.me/+601223192655
2) 林师兄 012 – 372 3622或哇十 https://wa.me/+60123723622
1. 男女双方必须前往国民登记局领取表格 (JPN.KC 01F),然后填妥资料(请参考样本)。
2. 男女双方必须到宣誓官办事处进行宣誓仪式:
2.1 一切费用均由男女双方负责。
2.2 任何已婚者,若婚约仍然有效及配偶仍在世,一旦在国内外与别人立婚约,将被视为重婚者。
2.3 根据刑事法典第494条文:犯重婚者一旦罪名成立,可被判坐牢达七年及罚款。
3. 然后表格直接呈交给国民登记局审核,并携带下列文件:
3.1 男女双方的身份证正本及副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.2 男女双方的报生纸正本及副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.3 男女双方的照片各一张(Passport Size,蓝色底背景,拒收快照,并贴在申请表格上)
3.4 两位证婚人的身份证副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.5 离婚者须携带由国民登记局发出的离婚撤销证明函件正本及副本,而鳏夫/寡妇携带配偶的报死纸正本及副本一份。
4. 证婚人必须是马来西亚公民、单身或已婚并足21岁。提呈申请时,证婚人不必亲自前来。
5. 若男方不足18岁,或女方不足16岁,一切注册申请皆不被接受。
6. 若女方不足18岁但已足16岁,事先必须获得首席部长/州务大臣发出准证,及父亲必须成为证婚人,方能申请。父亲必须陪同男女双方前往国民登记局填写特定表格申请。
7. 若男女双方不足21岁,但已足18岁,必须在以下条件下申请婚姻注册:
7.1 父亲必须成为证婚人。
7.2 如父亲已去世,母亲可任证婚人,但必须携带父亲的报死纸正本及副本一份。
7.3 如双亲已去世,其监护人必须成其证婚人。
7.4 如双亲离异,法定监护人(父亲或母亲)方可成为证婚人。
8. 欲在本会注册,申请者必须是非回教徒。此外,本会无权处理外国公民注册,或已在外国注册,或在01/03/1982之前已进行华人传统婚礼的申请者。
9. 以上所有程序(1至8)如有更改,一切以国民登记局的程序为标准。
1. 男女其中一方可前来呈交表格。
2. 注册日期/时间,是从呈交表格/文件后,并依本会的空档而定。
3. 所有费用必须在呈交表格时缴清,不得退还。
4. 欲展延注册日期,请在注册前的三个工作天前通知本会。
5. 已审核之表格的有效期限从审核日期开始计算起至6个月。所有逾期及没有注册者,其申请表格将于6个月后自动作废,欲注册者必须到国民登记局重新申请和缴费。
1. 男女双方及两位证婚人必须亲自前来,并携带下列文件:
1.1 男女双方的身份证正本
1.2 男女双方的报生纸正本,如果少过21岁
1.3 两位证婚人的身份证正本
1.4 其他文件如:父亲报死纸、婚姻撤销证明函件(已离婚者)或配偶报死纸,都必须是正本。
2. 男方必须衣着整齐及打领带,女方衣着必须整齐得体。男女双方及证婚人可穿传统服饰,唯不得穿T恤、牛仔裤、短裤、短裙或戴帽子。
3. 注册时必须依据本会所分配的时间。
4. 男女双方及两位证婚人必须在预约婚姻注册日期/时间的10分钟前抵达本会,逾时者,本会有权暂延其注册日期/时间。
5. 注册进行时,不可在堂内进食及必须关上手机,以免干扰仪式的进行。
6. 男女双方及证婚人可自行准备相机、花卉及戒指以进行注册仪式。
7. 注册仪式于男女双方领取结婚证书后即告完成。
8.1 检查男女双方及两位证婚人身份证及正式穿着
8.2 邀请大众入场
8.3 婚姻注册仪式开始
8.4 大众起立并邀请男女双方入场
8.5 大众三称佛号
8.6 大众就座
8.7 男女双方礼佛三拜
8.8 男女双方及两位证婚人上前就座
8.9 婚姻注册官就座
8.10 婚姻注册官主持宣誓仪式
8.11 签结婚证书仪式
8.12 交换戒指
8.13 领取结婚证书正本
8.14 婚姻注册仪式结束
English Version:
Serdang Buddhist Association Selangor (SBAS)
3 Steps Marriage Registration Service
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
For enquiry or appointment, please contact:
1) Bro Tang 012 – 319 2655 or whatsapps https://wa.me/+601223192655
2) Bro Lim 012 – 372 3622 or whatsapps https://wa.me/+60123723622
Details procedures:
- 索取申请表格:
- 前往国民登记局(Jpn) 索取表格。
- 填妥(第二及三页)资料后,前往宣誓官办事处进行宣誓(第四页)。之后,直接呈交表格予国民登记局审核(第一页)。
1. 最靠近本会的国民登记局在Taman Sri Serdang或者是Putrajaya。
2. 男女双方必须一起前往完成, 宣誓及审核。
3. Serdang Perdana 有位宣誓官,Julian Khor 012-233 8894 。
Bandar Putra Permai也有位宣誓官,Pn Marina bt Kamarudin (Khairul Sofian Anuar & Co, A-2, Jln Atmosphere 2, Bandar Putra Permai, 43300 Seri Kembangan, tel 03 8940 4456 / 019 2100736)。
4. 如果申请者的岁数已达40岁或以上,他/她必须宣誓Surat Akuan。
- 呈交已审核表格予本会,并确定注册日期/时间。
- 本会办公时间:星期二、星期三、星期五(11am – 2pm)。
- 来本会办公室前,请联络负责人方便安排见面。
- 预约当天前来本会进行婚姻注册。
- 星期六及星期日或由助理婚姻注册官同意的日期(依据本会分配的时间)。
1) 陈师兄 012 – 319 2655或哇十 https://wa.me/+601223192655
2) 林师兄 012 – 372 3622或哇十 https://wa.me/+60123723622
1. 男女双方必须前往国民登记局领取表格 (JPN.KC 01F),然后填妥资料(请参考样本)。
2. 男女双方必须到宣誓官办事处进行宣誓仪式:
2.1 一切费用均由男女双方负责。
2.2 任何已婚者,若婚约仍然有效及配偶仍在世,一旦在国内外与别人立婚约,将被视为重婚者。
2.3 根据刑事法典第494条文:犯重婚者一旦罪名成立,可被判坐牢达七年及罚款。
3. 然后表格直接呈交给国民登记局审核,并携带下列文件:
3.1 男女双方的身份证正本及副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.2 男女双方的报生纸正本及副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.3 男女双方的照片各一张(Passport Size,蓝色底背景,拒收快照,并贴在申请表格上)
3.4 两位证婚人的身份证副本各一份(A4 size,请参考文件样本)
3.5 离婚者须携带由国民登记局发出的离婚撤销证明函件正本及副本,而鳏夫/寡妇携带配偶的报死纸正本及副本一份。
4. 证婚人必须是马来西亚公民、单身或已婚并足21岁。提呈申请时,证婚人不必亲自前来。
5. 若男方不足18岁,或女方不足16岁,一切注册申请皆不被接受。
6. 若女方不足18岁但已足16岁,事先必须获得首席部长/州务大臣发出准证,及父亲必须成为证婚人,方能申请。父亲必须陪同男女双方前往国民登记局填写特定表格申请。
7. 若男女双方不足21岁,但已足18岁,必须在以下条件下申请婚姻注册:
7.1 父亲必须成为证婚人。
7.2 如父亲已去世,母亲可任证婚人,但必须携带父亲的报死纸正本及副本一份。
7.3 如双亲已去世,其监护人必须成其证婚人。
7.4 如双亲离异,法定监护人(父亲或母亲)方可成为证婚人。
8. 欲在本会注册,申请者必须是非回教徒。此外,本会无权处理外国公民注册,或已在外国注册,或在01/03/1982之前已进行华人传统婚礼的申请者。
9. 以上所有程序(1至8)如有更改,一切以国民登记局的程序为标准。
1. 男女其中一方可前来呈交表格。
2. 注册日期/时间,是从呈交表格/文件后,并依本会的空档而定。
3. 所有费用必须在呈交表格时缴清,不得退还。
4. 欲展延注册日期,请在注册前的三个工作天前通知本会。
5. 已审核之表格的有效期限从审核日期开始计算起至6个月。所有逾期及没有注册者,其申请表格将于6个月后自动作废,欲注册者必须到国民登记局重新申请和缴费。
1. 男女双方及两位证婚人必须亲自前来,并携带下列文件:
1.1 男女双方的身份证正本
1.2 男女双方的报生纸正本,如果少过21岁
1.3 两位证婚人的身份证正本
1.4 其他文件如:父亲报死纸、婚姻撤销证明函件(已离婚者)或配偶报死纸,都必须是正本。
2. 男方必须衣着整齐及打领带,女方衣着必须整齐得体。男女双方及证婚人可穿传统服饰,唯不得穿T恤、牛仔裤、短裤、短裙或戴帽子。
3. 注册时必须依据本会所分配的时间。
4. 男女双方及两位证婚人必须在预约婚姻注册日期/时间的10分钟前抵达本会,逾时者,本会有权暂延其注册日期/时间。
5. 注册进行时,不可在堂内进食及必须关上手机,以免干扰仪式的进行。
6. 男女双方及证婚人可自行准备相机、花卉及戒指以进行注册仪式。
7. 注册仪式于男女双方领取结婚证书后即告完成。
8.1 检查男女双方及两位证婚人身份证及正式穿着
8.2 邀请大众入场
8.3 婚姻注册仪式开始
8.4 大众起立并邀请男女双方入场
8.5 大众三称佛号
8.6 大众就座
8.7 男女双方礼佛三拜
8.8 男女双方及两位证婚人上前就座
8.9 婚姻注册官就座
8.10 婚姻注册官主持宣誓仪式
8.11 签结婚证书仪式
8.12 交换戒指
8.13 领取结婚证书正本
8.14 婚姻注册仪式结束
English Version:
Serdang Buddhist Association Selangor (SBAS)
3 Steps Marriage Registration Service
Step 1:
- Obtain an Application Form (JPN. KC01F) from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN)
- Filling up Page 2 & 3 and proceed to Commissioner for Oaths for Statutory Declaration and thereafter submit to JPN for verification (Refer sample documents for more details)
- 1. Nearest JPN office in Seri Kembangan is at Taman Sri Serdang or Putrajaya.
- 2. The couple must present in person at JPN and the Commissioner for Oaths.
- 3. Commissioner of Oaths at Serdang Perdana is Julian Khor 012 2338894 or Pn Marina bt Kamarudin at Bandar Putra Permai, 03 8940 4456 or 019 2100 736.
- 4. If the applicant's age reaches 40 years old & above, he/she needs the Statutory Declaration for Surat Akuan
Step 2:
- Submit the verified Application Form by JPN to SBAS.
- The couple or at least one of them must present in person at SBAS during office hours to submit the form.
- SBAS office hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00am to 02:00pm
- **Registration date shall be fixed upon the submission of form and documents.
- Please call the person in charge before you arrive at our office to get an appointment and submission of form and documents after verification and chop by Jpn.
Step 3:
- Marriage Registration Service (Saturday & Sunday or any dates agreed by the assistance registrar of marriage of SBAS)
- The date and time slot for the service will be determined by SBAS.
For enquiry or appointment, please contact:
1) Bro Tang 012 – 319 2655 or whatsapps https://wa.me/+601223192655
2) Bro Lim 012 – 372 3622 or whatsapps https://wa.me/+60123723622
Details procedures:
1. The couple MUST PRESENT IN PERSON at Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) to obtain application form JPN.KC01F.
2. Filing up the Application Form and proceed to
Commissioner for Oaths for Statutory Declaration.
2.1 The couple will be responsible for any fees incurred.
2.2 Any person lawfully married under any law, religion, custom or usage who
during the continuation of such marriage purports to contract a marriage under
any law, religion, custom or usage in contravention of section 5 shall be
deemed to commit the offence of marrying again during the life-time of husband
and wife, as the case may be, within the meaning of section 494 of the Penal
2.3 Where an offence under section 494 of the Penal Code: commit the offence
of marrying again will be sentenced to 7 years in jail and fine.
3. Thereafter submit to JPN for verification and bring along the following documents:
3.1 Original and 1 photocopy of Identity Card
(I.C.) (A4 size, Refer Sample Document).
3.2 Original and 1 photocopy of Birth Certificate
(A4 size, Refer Sample Document).
3.3 One passport- size coloured photographs each
(Instant Photo are unacceptable).
3.4 Photocopy of 2 witnesses’ I.C., 1 copy each (A4
size, Refer Sample Document).
3.5 For widower/ widow, spouse’s original and 1
photocopy of Death Certificate must be produced. For divorcee, original and 1
photocopy of Marriage Cancellation Certificate issued by JPN must be produced.
4. Witnesses must be Malaysia Citizen above 21 years old.
They are not required to be present during the submission of application.
5. Application for marriage registration from male below 18 or female below
16 is NOT allowed.
6. Female below 18 years but above 16 years may register her
marriage with license granted by the Ketua Menteri / Menteri Besar and her father must be the witness. The father must accompany the daughter to the Jpn to fill up specific request form and get approval. Additionally documents such as medical reports etc maybe requested by the jpn officer.
7. For male or female below 21 years but above 18 years
old, he/ she must observe the following rules:
7.1 Father must be his/ her witness.
7.2 If his/ her father passed away, his/ her mother
can be the witness. The original and 1 photocopy of his/ her father’s Death
Certificate must be produced.
7.3 If his/ her parents had passed away, his/ her
guardian by law can be the witness.
7.4 If his/ her parents are divorced, his/ her
guardian by law (father or mother) must be the witness.
8. In order to register at SBAS, the applicants MUST
NOT be a Muslim, Foreigner or Malaysian who had register abroad or had
carried out traditional wedding before 1/3/1982.
9. Any changes to the above procedure (Item 1-8) must adhere to JPN guidelines.
1. The couple or either one of them must present at SBAS office to do
the submission.
2. Registration date shall be fixed after the date of submission of form and documents and the registration date / time shall be
determined by the SBAS.
3. Fees are payable upon submission. Fee collected is not refundable.
4. Please notify the SBAS officers 3 days before the
date of registration if there is a request for a date change.
5. The application will be declared invalid as if
a couple fails to turn up to register within 6 months after the date of
submission. Couple who intend to register must re-apply and re-do all the
1. The couple and the 2 witnesses MUST BE
PRESENT and bring along the following documents:-
1.1 The couple’s original Identity Cards.
1.2 The couple’s original Birth Certificates.
1.3 Two witnesses original Identity Cards.
1.4 Others documents: Original copy of Father’s /
Spouse Death Certificate or Marriage Cancellation Certificate issued by JPN.
2. Attire on the Day of Registration: The bridegroom must wear shirt with
necktie. The bride and the witnesses must dress neatly or formally and the
couple is allowed to wear Chinese costume. However, T-shirt, jeans, short
pants, mini skirts and cap are not allowed.
3. Date / Time of registration: Set by SBAS Marriage Registration Department. We will inform the couple on the registration date / time two weeks in advanced.
4. The couple and witnesses must arrive at the
SBAS office 10 minutes prior to the registration date / time. Hence, any late arrival will result in delay of the registration or registration rescheduled to later date / time.
5. All attendees and couples are not allowed to eat/drink in the hall and hand phones must be switched off or put to silent mode to avoid disturbances during the registration.
6. The couple and witnesses are allowed to bring
their own cameras, flowers or rings during the ceremony.
7. The marriage ceremony is completed once the
couple received their Marriage Certificates.
*Registration of Marriage cannot be carried
out without the original documents (1.1 to 1.4).
1. Check the Identity Card of the marriage’s
couple and the two witnesses, ensure their attire are in accordance with the stipulated dress code.
2. Invite all the guests to enter the hall and be seated.
3. The marriage registration ceremony start.
4. All the guests raise up to welcome the new couple
to enter the hall.
5. All guests and the new couple to pay homage to the image of the Shakyamuni Buddha.
6. All guests be seated.
7. The couple performing three bows to the image of the Shakyamuni Buddha.
8. The couple and two witnesses be seated.
9. The Marriage Registration Officer be seated.
10. The Marriage Registration Officer conducting
the ceremony.
11. The signing of the Marriage Certificates ceremony.
12. The couple exchange wedding rings.
13. The couple receive their Marriage Certificates.
14. The marriage registration ceremony ends.
Updated @2022/02/06
Page 1 - verified by JPN / Page 2 - Male Particulars
Page 3 - Female
Particulars / Page 4 - Statutory Declaration
*Notes: Both front and rear pages must be in
same A4 paper
A4 NRIC (Front and Back)
A4 Birth Cert (Front and Rear Page)
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